Spill Trays and Drip Trays Supplier in UAE
Oil & Chemical TraysSpill Trays​ are ideal for catching minor leaks and spills in the work place and are great for storing smaller drums and containers. Compact and lightweight they can ​fit into small areas, are robust, easy to clean and compatible with most liquids. Its available with grid and without grid. Made from HDPE plastic. Drip trays are often used beneath equipment liable to small leaks, such as pumps, in process buildings and are effectively Mini-Spill Pallet. Benefit of Poly Spill Trays & Drip TraysThey are intended to prevent the spread of toxic or flammable liquids to other areas. Ideal for use in a liquid dispensing work area, as a laboratory or vehicle and equipment leak tray our extensive range of spill trays and Drip Trays are available in a range of sizes to suit different applications. How to Choose Spill TraysWe offer spill trays with sump capacities up to 104 L. Sizes will vary depends up on the sump capacity. Manufactured from robust, durable polyethylene they are suitable for use with all liquids. Its avilable with and without grate. Main features of secondary containment for small containers
Handy Spill Pallets for Small Containers |
Types of Spill Trays/Drip Trays Products
Plastic Spill Trays with Plastic GridsSpill Trays with grids are made from polythene using for small spills, available capacity 10ltr to 100Ltr
Plastic Drip Trays without GridsDrip Trays without grids are made from polythene using for small spills and drips , available capacity 10ltr to 100Ltr